Do you have any private stuff that you would to hide from your friends and relatives? Would you want it to be Invisible so that it remains unnoticed by the normal users? But there are software which can display all the folders that are present on the Disk. So What if you can even password protect your folder? I guess having your private folder password protected as well as invisible should be secure enough. But you might think that you may need to have a software for that. Well here is a way to do that without using any additional software and you can show off in front of your friends by making their folders invisible as well as password protected. Here is is step by step procedure to create a password protected folder.
How to create a Password Protected Folder
1. Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it as ABC.
2. Now in this folder place all the important files, documents or any folders that you want to password protect.
3. Now Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the option Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder.
4. Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.
5. Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.
6. Now goto the File menu and select the option Add a password.
ie: File -> Add a password
Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened. Thus you have now created the password protected folder.
How to make it Invisible
1. Now Right-click on this password protected folder and select Properties.
2. At the bottom select the option Hidden and press OK. Now your folder gets invisible (hidden).
3. In order to unhide this folder go to My Computer – >Tools -> Folder options. Switch to View tab, scroll down and under Hidden files and folders you’ll see the following two options
• Do not show hidden files and folders
• Show hidden files and folders
Now select the second option and press OK. Now the invisible folder becomes visible in it’s location. To access it you need the password. To make it invisible again repeat step -1 through step-3 and select the first option and click OK. Now the folder becomes invisible once again.
I hope you like this post. Pass your comments!! Cheers
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